To make the DIY process more accessible, I designed a small PCB.
You solder a Pro Micro board on one side and a D1 Mini on the other side (or NodeMCU board, depending on the PCB). You don't even have to solder all pins, just those mentioned in Connections.
Design Files
- Pro Micro + D1 Mini: https://easyeda.com/Spacehuhn/wifi-duck
- Pro Micro + NodeMCU: https://easyeda.com/Spacehuhn/diy-wifi-duck-pro-micro-nodemcu
Order PCBs from OSHPark
- Pro Micro + D1 Mini: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/ARCED9je
- Pro Micro + NodeMCU: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/XUuUH1HB